Monday, June 8, 2009

Here and Now

Hi, all. I'm beginning this on-line journal to keep track of my thoughts, feelings, ideas, wonderings, and concerns as I progress along the path I have chosen for myself: a purely secular, celibate, and Franciscan spirituality.

This journey is not undertaken lightly. I have long considered my role in life as I have wandered through the morass and variety of spiritualities available to me: Celtic, Zen, Druidic, purely lay Catholic, etc. I have chosen to walk the path of Francis because it fits me more closely and completely than any other. Be aware, though, that my interests in Celtic, Druidic, and Zen philosophies and thought structures have directly affected and will continue to affect my many postings here. For that matter, my training as a historian and counselor directly affect the materials I select for reading/training and for "work".

What I intend to do here, then, is to keep track of my readings in my overall formation as a "follower" of Jesus.

For now, I commit this space to the workings of the Holy Spirit in my life.

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